2021 Spring Musical: Bright Star, Concert Version

Cary High Performing Arts is excited to announce that there will be a 2021 Virtual Spring Musical production!

Viewing on May 20-22, 2021

Bright Star Concert Version is the smaller version of the original musical written by Steve Martin and Edie Brickell by the same name. The Concert Version was first performed in Dec. 2012 and later developed into the Broadway version in 2016. It is an 80-minute version, with a few less songs, less characters, and less dialogue–but still the same bluegrass, folksy music and beautiful story that takes place from 1923-1946 in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.


AliceNatalie Mitvalsky
Jimmy RaySam Bryant
Billy CaneEvan Szypulski
MargoMaddie Alger
LucyAmarah Din
Daddy MurphyBen Goodridge
Mamma MurphyAlexis Cope
MayorJackson Chauvaux
Daddy Cane/Darryl/StanfordEthan Divon


Please Join us Monday, Jan.  25th 2:30-4:00pm for our virtual read-thru–the link for the meeting will be sent out on the cast REMIND.

Join this MUSICAL GOOGLE CLASSROOM–this will give you our meet code: @vov5ysx

Please join the cast remindhttps://www.remind.com/join/7ef4bb
Or text @7ef4bb to the number 81010

The SCRIPT AND VOCAL SCORE will be SHARED with you on your SCHOOL EMAIL–please download this and become familiar with it before our read-thru!

The REHEARSAL CALENDAR will also be SHARED via SCHOOL EMAIL–please review before our read-thru!

The REHEARSAL MUSIC TRACKS instructions will also be SHARED via SCHOOL EMAIL–please download the program and rehearsal tracks before our read-thru!