Here is the schedule that each student will begin to follow on April 13th:
Mr. Yasick and Mrs. McCormick will have the same office hours so students can do one stop shopping! Their office hours will be:
1-2pm Monday – Thursday
Here are the THEATRE Google Classroom codes:
1st period: Theatre IV — 3j65ui6
2nd period: Theatre I — jxyv2jk
3rd period: Theatre II — q25w7ph
Tech theatre — 6htym7y
Here are the CHORAL Google Classroom Codes:
2nd period: Concert Chorus — wxldr7u
3rd period: AP Music Theory — tkku4v4
4th period: Chorale — 2lwa7yr
These will also be posted on REMIND. Teachers can be reached through REMIND as well as through their emails: and