Apply Now for the 2020 Cary High School Performing Arts Booster Club Scholarship

The Cary High School Performing Arts Booster Club (CHS PABC) wishes to present at least one Cary High School graduating senior with a one-time scholarship. The purpose of this award is to recognize graduates who have been active in the programs supported by the CHS PABC – Choral, Drama and Orchestra, while demonstrating good character, leadership qualities and scholarship during their tenures at Cary High School.

To meet the criteria established for this scholarship, candidates must:

  1. Be a graduating senior in June 2020 of THE Cary High School
  2. Have received a letter of acceptance from a vocational school. Community college,
    or a four year college or university and plan to attend this institution in fall 2020.
  3. Must have two recommendations. One recommendation from an academic teacher
    and one from a teacher in the Performing Arts Department (choral, drama,
    orchestra), or private study instructor.
  4. Must be an ACTIVE member of the performing arts department (choral, drama and

Application submission instructions are included on these two forms:

The deadline for submission of all materials to be eligible for this scholarship is Tuesday, April 28th at 2:30pm.

Remote Learning Information

Here is the schedule that each student will begin to follow on April 13th:

Mr. Yasick and Mrs. McCormick will have the same office hours so students can do one stop shopping! Their office hours will be:
1-2pm Monday – Thursday

Here are the THEATRE Google Classroom codes:
1st period: Theatre IV — 3j65ui6
2nd period: Theatre I — jxyv2jk
3rd period: Theatre II — q25w7ph                     
Tech theatre — 6htym7y

Here are the CHORAL Google Classroom Codes:
2nd period: Concert Chorus — wxldr7u
3rd period: AP Music Theory — tkku4v4
4th period: Chorale — 2lwa7yr

These will also be posted on REMIND. Teachers can be reached through REMIND as well as through their emails: and

Addams Family Highlights (and a short note)

While we’re all stuck at home, here is something to bring a smile to your face. Enjoy this highlights reel from The Addams Family created for Triangle Rising Stars.

And you can find over 1720 photos from The Addams Family dress rehearsal at this link, courtesy of Charles and Kim Shorb.

On a different note, your CHS performing arts teachers want to let you know that they miss all the kids terribly! As of right now, we are out till May 18th with no other performances planned! We have NO IDEA what the end of the year will look like. As soon as we know, we promise to let you know! Keep checking back here for updates and information.